We help small businesses grow.

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This used to be fun…

Entrepreneurship often starts with passion. 

You have an idea. You turn it into a business. And you pour everything you’ve got into building and growing that business. 

But there comes a point when you find yourself stuck. You’re working like crazy only to feel like you’re going nowhere. You have no time for family, friends, or hobbies, and the passion that used to fuel you has vanished. 

You’ve thought about selling, but you’re worried your business isn’t worth what you need to retire the way you want. So, what do you do? 

At Sweetview Partners, we talk to a lot of business owners in this situation. They want to sell, but they aren't sure how to optimize their business for the best valuation. And the distance between their current valuation and what it would take to retire keeps them grinding for years.

We had enough of these conversations to identify a need. Then, we created a solution: We partnered with Scalable, a company that specializes in training small businesses on the “7 levels of scale,” to coach business owners on how to retire sooner with the strongest valuation possible. 

Schedule a consultation today! →

About Scaling Your Small Business

There are 8 drivers of value for entrepreneurs to go from a struggling startup to a high-profit, high-impact, exit-ABLE business that gives you the wealth and freedom you deserve.

At Sweetview Partners, as you might expect, we will help explain each of the 8 major drivers of small business value in the box to the right and what their impact is on your small business. In fact, you can click below to get the eBook that explains each of these items in detail - plus suggests how to improve them in your business.

But did you know that you can use our Small Business Valuation Assessment Tool to see exactly where your business is on a 0 to 100 scale for each of these key drivers? Plus, based on this information, our tool will send you a reasonably accurate (for a hands-off tool that doesn’t involve an invading army of consultants) current valuation on your company. Plus it will give you some techniques on how to improve that valuation.

The 8 Major Drivers of Small Business Value

  • Financial Performance

    • Everyone knows profits are king and most business owners know roughly what their profir looks like. But how you measure that profit has a big impact on your value, too. How reliable is your measure of profit?

  • Growth Potential

    • Every company has a different capacity for growth. Industry, niche, and even the way you run your company affects its potential. How growable is your company?

  • The Switzerland Structure

    • Switzerland has prided itself on it’s neutrality in international affairs. Your company should do the same, but how neutral is it, really?

  • The Valuation Teeter Totter

    • Company valuations are highly dependent on how efficiently cash flows through the organization. Do you know how efficiently cash flows through your company? Do you know how to improve it?

  • Recurring Revenue

    • There are many different ways that revenue can come into your company. Having big revenues is great, but your valuation is also determined by how sure you can be that the cash arrives month in, month out. What do your revenues look like?

  • Monopoly Control

    • Obviously, not many small business can have a monopoly on any given market. But you can have a “mini-monopoly” in your space. Do you know how to develop it?

  • Customer Satisfaction

    • Everyone knows that customer satisfaction is important to any business’ survival. But as a small business, how do you measure customer satisfaction? Can you show someone exactly how satisfied your customers are?

  • Hub and Spoke

    • Most small business owners are at the hub of their organization - the centerpiece around which everything moves - just like a wagon wheel. But that can only lead to a specific amount of growth. What do you do once you’ve outgrown this system?

Find out where your company is on a scale from 0 to 100 - as well as get a rough business valuation - with our Small Business Valuation Assessment Tool.

Let’s Chat

Want to learn more about what we can do for your business? Schedule a free consultation!